Fed Shows Flexibility

John Lynch Chief Investment Strategist, LPL Financial

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 Boone Wealth Advisors

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Last week, dovish language from the Federal Reserve (Fed) fueled one of the strongest rallies in U.S. stocks this year. On November 28, the S&P 500 Index posted its biggest daily gain since March and the U.S. dollar dropped the most in two weeks after Fed Chair Jerome Powell said current interest rates are “just below neutral,” referring to the point where monetary policy is neither accommodative nor restrictive for the economy.

Powell’s comments, along with Fed Vice Chair Richard Clarida’s speech the day before, restored investors’ confidence in the Fed’s commitment to flexibility—a theme we’ve highlighted as Powell has increasingly emphasized a pragmatic approach to evaluating risks. That was the message investors needed to hear, especially in light of recent negative headlines about trade, geopolitical issues, and deteriorating economic data globally.

Over the past few weeks, market-based forecasts of the Fed’s policy rate have been increasingly positioned for a slower path of rate hikes [Figure 1]. Fed fund futures’ implied probability of at least three 25 basis point (0.25%) rate hikes between now and the end of next year has slipped to about 30% (from about 65% on November 8, the conclusion of the Fed’s last meeting). Futures are pricing in an upper-bound fed funds rate of 2.7% for the end of 2019, even while pricing in an 80% probability of a rate hike at the December meeting. Essentially, futures traders are pointing to just one rate increase next year, assuming the Fed hikes rates later this month.

Investors are understandably anxious about the Fed’s policy outlook, especially as economic headwinds have strengthened in recent weeks. However, we encourage investors to keep in mind the Fed’s strategy of viewing monetary policy as pragmatically adaptable rather than theoretically fixed. The Fed has a loose target in mind at any given time and needs to provide guidance to markets, but it also will remain flexible about updating those views as new economic developments occur.


The neutral rate is a practical idea rather than a known macroeconomic variable, and it takes a pragmatic policy approach to move toward the neutral rate while avoiding the risks of overtightening or leaving policy too loose. Still, the Fed’s vague comments about the neutral rate have influenced the direction of financial markets recently. On October 3, Powell mentioned that interest rates are “a long way from neutral,” even after repeating his standard view that the neutral rate is an uncertain target and the risks remain balanced. Markets processed that comment as excessively hawkish given current headwinds. In the weeks after that, the 10-year Treasury yield reached a 7-year high and the S&P 500 fell into a correction as investors prepared for quicker tightening. Last week, Powell effectively walked back his October comments, amplifying Clarida’s earlier comments that rates were “much closer” to the neutral rate, sparking the strong rally in stocks.

Even though markets have reacted to the Fed’s words, recent clues have shown that policymakers continue to base decision-making on the pragmatic evaluation of risks. In the minutes from the Fed’s last meeting, policymakers discussed trade, deterioration in business-related economic data, the strong U.S. dollar’s impact on overseas economies, and tightening financial conditions [Figure 2]. They debated the implications of a strengthening dollar on overseas economies, demonstrating the Fed’s concern with global stability when determining the next steps for monetary policy. Policymakers also mentioned declining growth in business spending and acknowledged that trade uncertainty could hamper potential growth for U.S. corporations. Clarida echoed this in his most recent speech, saying a protracted slowdown in capital investment could eventually weigh on productivity increases. Most importantly, Fed members acknowledged in the minutes that they must better convey their flexibility to economic circumstances.

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Written by Boone Wealth Advisors

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